Ok so cool we are publishing! It is February the first 2016 and it is Monday Moon's Day!

Earth-CO-Op-Moline and the Grand Planet Airship Company

Ok so we have not operated from this free web sit of ours since we forgot the pass word we have been
Obama care website and law having major trouble, trainwreck in Bronx NY Nov 30th 2013 kills 4
DEC 3rd 2014 NASA looking to launch Mars manned vehical in unmanned test's this week weather good! S
Russian Meteor explosion(winter) in 2013 Comet I-Son(fall) possibly destroyed in 2013 as passes sun!
edit now#5
edit now#6/Saturday11/10/2012 winter storm BRUTUS Hitting U.S.
edit now#7( in Winter storm) Ceasar and Deis Martis Day 18th Dec
On November the 8th a Tuesday Large asteroid appearance between earth and moon eight holiest no. in
December 26th 2011Ok yes we are waiting to hear from the registered agent
edit now#10 / Sandy on Florida No.ten G.I Veit/War /Wall here!
POBATO (propellants on board at take off) April 1st 2010
edit now#11
Divergent Condition and aileron reversal fwd back flying aircraft
Bernoulli's Principle
Formula One Racing Planes
Christopher Robin Transatmospheric Aircraft
Secrets of Airplanes and Spaceships
Can Airplanes Fly Backwards?
Tinkerbell's Pictorial Worksheets
Messerschmitt AG Germany computers April 20- May 15th 2010
a little history and the BF(109-V1)
Earth-CO-Op-Moline and the Grand Planet Airship Company
new page here
2-3-4 Touchdown
North by Southeast Air Boy Tibet 2010 Nov 13th 14th week end

       Well lets try this page agian since we lost it just as we competed it ...... Well ok  lets try to explain to every -one where who and whats sort of going on . on the radio station here localy   a song by Lenny Kravits is playing and I call it you belong to me and  I  belong to you. I think  you and  I can sort of relate to this when they sort of told watching the tv some word that relates to filling positions , with all your cronies and this is called cronieism. I think thats how you spell it . So Like a lot of peaple I hear them talk about  on the radio in trying to get some thing done    towards their dreams and asperations  and responsibilities  especialy if one thinks  that their important  and it concerns alot of peaple  you think that there are some very much needed things to explain and say . Ok first of all when you look at an address on some of Tinkerbells secret notebook pictures, I 'd like to think that there not on there just for poop and grins  as the street talk goes . In December 1995 Tinkerbell with about  a thousand dollars that he had saved  from his Fedral goverment job as a janitor at the West Palm Beach VA  Center went to a local area lawyer and formed   a fairly new at the time Sub chapter S corporation that was for the new Entrebeneurs that was being talked about on the TV  and  at the library , I read all the latest business books and found out that there can be some real con jobs around and that they can sue you from a far away court  and take your name and everything you thought was yours and from the books I was reading time is money and money is time I was realizing and understanding that I only  had so much time and  money and you sort of had to alocate both time and money. So I felt that there was something to my unique name for my s-corporation and I was reading up on Buddism and really  wanted peaple to understand risk associated with endevors with flight and flight in space and understand its cost . An evil do da's are some kind of thing that is a scam and the peaple  caught  and into the scam or scams. If you only have so much time and so much money you sort of had to consider this moment as some- thing very important and if your good at what you do and not greedy or sinful most of the time , and your good at what you do and don't need the trouble associated with hobgoblins out of the stinkin dark ages, if you have a good idea  you form a conviction in your soul  and you'll like to do your numbers and letters and get your idea across to the point ,and right when its needed not when its always not needed.  Get the drift! Since I was the Soul  owner  of the corporation and the ( Irs) called from Atlanta to ask if this was  a scam or they thought it important to get information  about it . I answered the questions as far as I knew,That  I didn't  intend it to be a scam or at least  I think I put that thought form out and then I learning about astrology  and, Then I  thought about my birthday being January 20th Inaguration day in the United States of America had a consultation with myself  and elected myself to the position  of  President, which   I convienced,  another word for like. Not  long after that  I found it hard to find a place to stay and  was attacked and thrown into jail and lost my minutes book but  not my spaceship drawings and they have been getting better,   so you begin to think at  what kind of scam level game   plan is this operating . So much for the Clinton Administration .So I think  that when you go out to the beach     and think about  Astoriod  1950-DA  you mite want to watch TV a little more closely, so as the song goes ....Ooh when there pointing the Cannon at  you .... I dont think their going to shoot me. January 11th  2006 year of the what? 
 The great airplane and spaceship race 2005 to 2006. Tinker bell Kurt   Johnson (William ). Ok that said , Lets go one and talk about Florida  sub chapter S corporation name Air Boy Tibet Inc Fla 1995, All sorts of things started to happen to Tinkerbell he got all sorts of stuff in the mail that were offical looking tax numbers recept books and they were due every business quarter, in a sub-chapter s corperation you pay your  social security taxes when you start to make money a little differant then a class C corporation .There were other differances also, to operate a sub-chapter S corporation you had to be a United States citizen in a C-corporation you can be a foreign owner that started to make me think, registered  foreign agents, unregistered foreign agents , foreigners and   then  I thought and was thinking about  the places I've  been and those do da's  and syndicates that  I was talking and  had been reading about in the library. Ok so now you think that you should look for an accountant or something and you find out that there is such things as accounting fraud and frauds and shell corporations and what does that mean when you find out what those are , are they in your area , what do they do to other corporations  or businesses around  you , Why were the police looking for drugs in the other half of the duplex who stoled my $400.00 bike  why did I have to find a place to live lots and lots of things and maybe a lot of questions too. The next page will be The Grand Planet  Airship Company --earth-- co-op Moline. to be continued...