When Tinkerbell came back from Vietnam and set up a house hold with Karla(Pipey
Longstocking he refers to her now). He went to junior college in his home town and all though he didn't graduate with a four
year degree he did learn a few things. Some of the courses he took were business related Marketing and Business Math were
a couple of them and in that light sometimes his eyes have an affinity to information related to those early days of the 1970's
just before Willey Messerschmitt died in 1979.
Because you didn't get alot of money on the G.I. bill even though in was the 1970's
or so it was little changed from WW2.Tinkerbell got a job as an appliance salesmen at K-Mart this was before Wall Mart and
K-mart sold TV's refigerators stoves washers and dryers and stereos Tinkerbell got an hourly paycheck and was paid commision
on his sales that he made the business climate seemed better then then it is today and he made money and liked it. Making
conversations with the differant customers Tinkerbell liked to chat.Karla would go to the clothing store and buy Tinkerbell
baggie checkered pants and bright bow ties to wear for the job The days when you were making money seemed brighter in
the psycic enclaves of memories in th mind as they are remembered.
During this time Karla's Dad was working for a crygenics company(Frozen gases for
industrial use) that they were taking to public status from private status and Tinkerbell who was interested in Helium for
airships found it all an interesting time.Slowly though Veitnam and the world at war was little by little sneaking into home
of Chief Blackhawk and thats where little Tinkerbell lived with Karla!
Ok so its the 18th of August and its Tinkerbells mothers birthday who's dead
and before she died she had Alzheimers desase I was talking to my sister Wendy the witch(Tinkers sister) and
I am sure as we talked about Veitnam that I'd be dead long before now if I didn't have a sister. When we talk about big
trouble there are those who because of one thing or another are bought off to use everything you say and do to do something
bad to you they mite not be aware of it or their only too aware of it and have no way out.Its just a common abdormality
of modern life in the concrete jungle of life I think!
Ok so now Tinkerbell doesn't want to dash anyones personal hope of a better outcome in
their lifes work of good if there is the referance of something bad happening to them but he also thinks you have to be real.And
then when you start to get real and put your mark on the world or hang your shingle out on the door (an expression)you mite
suddenly find someone else has to possess what you have and worked for. So the start or seed money the begining is very
important its just as much spiritual as physical Tinkerbell thinks. So Heidi the girl that first helped him to operate a computer
at this drop in center for the mentaly challanged asked me what my favorite year knowing that this guy Hister was around
I said 1945 the year that WW2 ended and that was to remember and analize how the war started Try not to repeat history too
often especialy in a bad way and focus on truth.Which should direct your future to the light of a dark and ominious situations
that come your way when history is too often repeated. To beat the devil in the end game of the posession of your soul and
ruin your mind.
The FBI in disguise, the proper management of all of our mental malaria,sought
and found we hope in our discription of ourself the Grand Planet Airship Company or and Air Boy Tibet Inc.