Ok so cool it is the 21st of March 2010. Peekie is here and he's Ok we went and borrowed $20.00
dollars off of Wendy the witch Tinkerbell's sister today but it was not enouph money to pay for our computer time after gas
and catfood it will have to wait for later in the week when we get paid our discrstionary allotment.
At the Kennedy Space center in Florida laying on it's side is Walter Von Brauns Saturn
5 booster rocket.When tinkerbell and grampa tinkerbell went to look at it I wondered if in Christafer Robin we would be able
to cram the amount of propellant into the design even if it were an emergency design that could not come back into the atmosphere.
And take care of this problematic asteroid which makes an extremely close call in the year of 2029!
Will the drop tank rocket design of Christafer Robin and Udets platform and the idea of taking
off from a runway and fly backwards into orbit work at least to the facility of serious investagation!
Can we catch the asteroid in a giant nylon net and crash it into the moon? Making
the threat to earth safe for a long time to come or even putting the three football fields big space rock in orbit around
the moon or would that make the situation even more precarious as earth carves out its future in space and here on terra firma!
The first thing to do was to design a spaceship that could handle the job of an
asteroid and in that I have explained the Grand Planet Airship Company and Air Boy Tibet Inc and Messerschmitt Blokow
Blohm.Perhaps we are a little bit late but there is much that has transpired since those days of drawing airplane and
spaceships on Grandpa tinkerbell's kitchen table back in Moline. From what I can gather MBB joined with IEADS (Air Bus)
and all though they were working on the U.S.'s air tanker project it looks like they are not going to get it or have decided
not to bid on the project. We are not sure exactly whats in the future but bit by bit we have decided to give a little more
information concerning where we are in the design of Christafer Robin and Udets Platform and earths position as the asteroid
approches earth in 2029.And our immaginary ride in Junkers Air Ju-52 from Rome to Russia in this seventith anninversary
of the beginning of WW2.Behold Tinkerbell thinks we are only our fathers children!
In referance the speed in RPM's of the propeller in a piston engine ME.109 was between
3450 and 4000 to 5000 RPM's. The idea that we could put together a giant ME-109 aircraft, and build a lightweight strong enouph
structure to hold together for take off and flight. With the other propellants for the rocket engine and fuel for the experimental
propeller powerplant on board for take off is quite alot to ask but not to try and understand the science envolved and go
about our business on earth as nothing is asteroid apparent to us is quite illagitament.
Will an experimental multi-source turbo compressor-cumbustor engine work? With oversize
pulse jets on the outer wingroots to push the heavely ladin aircraft down the runway and into the air. Will there be enouph
strength in the wings and fuselage to manage inself to air rocket ignition to blast the aircraft to orbit.When
you look at how much a trillion dollars in $100.00 dollar bills looks like the situation and under the reality of circumstances
becomes like a earth drama off of the hollywood screen at the movies. Definatly the world as we know it, the United States
and every living thing on earth is at a turning point where everything good and bad come under the magnifying glass.It is
with this thought and the many many after thoughts of the asteroid and the giant airplane spaceship affair that has
held Tinkerbell riveted to his internal constatution wheather in jail or home playing with Peekachu the cat from outerspace
and watching TV.
Ok so cool it is march the 29th 2010 and we made it to Monday there wasa teriffic rain
storm here last night and as we checked out the news there was a south Korean patrol boat that blew up and sank near the North
Korean waters over the weekend and this morning in Moscow two explosions hit commuters on their way to do their daily activities
some its been reported 35 people were killied and they think all though not confirmed that they were two female suicide bombers.
This goes to show you that you have to be very careful the German television went out
on the local
tv network and where we could get the news from Berlin in english now there is nothing.
As I said when Tinkerbell went to jail he could not get out and had a hard time
explaining to anyone that he was innocent and these bad guys set him up so you must be very careful as political feelings
run high with all the news about the war the health care debate and the economy all are things that are very much bringing
the street to fever pitch.
Ok so cool!, there are alot of differant things to talk about but Tinkerbell wanted
to discuss some of the when and where about the design discription history of the secret of secrets. Christafer Robin the
transatmospheric interplanetary spaceship idea. After Veitnam Tinkerbell bought a used airplane and was teaching himself the
science of operating his own aircraft and paying the bills and keeping the registration legal and the aircraft safe to fly.There
are all sorts of rules and laws concerning the proper operation of private aircraft in America and as he flew around the midwest
area of Occident Central West Davenport Bendix as we have come to know it. Tinkerbell went to work for the Iowa National Guard
as a civilian helicopter mechanic for a little while.It was here that while working on a early model UH-1 aircraft trying
to get a one to one vertical vibration out of its old airframe.Tinkerbell had to order special shims to take up slack in the
mounting of the transmission to the airframe as I spent several days and hours working on the old B-model Huey I pondered
on thinking about the giant airplane shapceship idea and such problems as mounting the giant pieces of landing gear to the
largest of large of airframes ever and came across the idea of designing the big metal forgings out of smaller shims
and mounting the assemblies of landing gear and to airframe in this way.The idea never left me and as the landing gear
doesn't have to go up and down so often like a conventional aircraft military or commercial the idea seemed like a good one
as to do away with alot of foundry equipment nessary to make castings of the mounting brackets which attached the landing
gear to the airframe.This was a giant breakthrough if it would work and brought the whole idea out of the rhelm of science
fiction as you mite say.It was after this that Tinkerbell had his first divorce from Karla and ended up living with a girl
then another one when the last wife Debbie and I went to aviation school in Tulsa Okalhoma it was here where the space shuttle
,"Chalanger", blew up and sent Tinkerbell down the road with the hopes of finding some kind of aviation related work
in order to subsit's on.It was hard to do and after staying in Seattle Washington for several years reading up on spaceships
and airplanes. Tinkerbell settled with some of his relatives and grandpa Tinkerbell here in Florida in 1987.
Ok so cool its April fools day and the day before Good friday and this week end its
Easter we think that in Europe they mite have in custody a bad guy that they think maybe the guy Notordamus reported in his
writings that is known as Hister not Hitler but Hister and we think we found this guy from what we can put together when
we decide to understand and report on spaceships and talk about things related to spaceships and Mother earth.True story!
We also found this guy in the mental health field learning the idiocyraseies of how the mental health field operates.Its very
scary because this guy can read and speak english and after the Bosnian war they found one of the guys related to crimes
against Humanity related to the mass murder of civilains in central Europe desguised as a New Age phyciatrist hiding out from
authorities and is now on trial in the Hauge.We also think that this guy in manipulative enouph that he can get
himself in and out of jail if he outs his mind to it.
Ok so what to talk about first lets go on with understanding the design of the transatmospheric
interplanetary spaceship,"Christafer Robin".The differance between an airplane and a spaceship may be located in understanding
the center of gravity and the area of the nose of an aircraft forward of the cockpit and firewall bulkhead which in aircraft
are surrounded by lightweight cowling that covers the engine if you want to make a spaceship out of it will this area instead
of light weight cowling be made up of a real hermetically sealed airframe and what does that do to the weight and center of
gravity and its relationship to the flight control system as the spaceship takes off forward off the runway and then turns
itself backwards to ignite its rocket and blast into orbit! Will the oversize fuel tanks balance out the flight operation
sequence of its operation?
Now again this would relate to how the spaceship airplane is assembled and put together.Now
you can understand the complexities of the design in consideration!
Ok so cool!, here we can think about the fuel tanks and where they are located in the fuselage
as we know we are considering what we call a multi-source turbine engine giant size and where we have a multi powerplant
design which means multi-powerplant fuel tanks inside or a part of the design.This while we are trying to acsertain what the
flight control system will consist of as we consider the forward backward operation of the transatmospheric interplanetary
spaceship of the airplane spaceship giant size. Can it be done?
Ok so while we are publishing paragraph by paragraph because of a lack of megabites and our
ability to edit while we are trying to put our web site project hexagon back on line at the moment we must be happy with what
we are doing.
Ok so cool we have a little bit of space left to talk about our spaceship here when we
discuss the ramifications of an asteroid hitting earth in 2029 or in 2036 the size its been reported as bigger then the one
that killed the dinosuars. Because of presidents Obama speech today that he did not personaly see asteroids hitting earth
Tinkerbell has only what he has seen on TV and looking at the web site that NASA had concerning the close pass of a space
rock in 2029 to go on. Although I'm from Illinois I'm not from chicago where everything in the world is politically related
debate.Even asteroids I figure!
I'm not trying to be rude but to relate that if you don't own a spaceship
it will turn out that it will own you as we can see in the differance between corporate ownership and goverment ownership
of the circumstances that own you as a free thinking indivigual.
During the WW2 affair if you want to talk about it like it was an affair
we think we found that Germany had a patient on a flying disk of some sort and the allies did not. When we talk about
areial phenomena and the stories from hard core indiviguals in Europe and the United States that in the ensuthing affair of
WW2 that Germany contacted an alien source of some sort or another and with that, all hell broke loose. The story relates
to the situation and circumstances that the atomic bomb project could not be stopped because it cost so much money! Amazing
Tinkerbell thinks but purposely true as the pieces seem to come together after a fantastic explosion of humanity and the rights
of the German republic and the republic of the United States!
Ok so Tink thought he'd write about conversations with Warren Bendix my friend that found the
money in a picture of the moon rocket and turned it into the police.Remember Tink thought that he stumbled on the evidence
of a story Tinkerbell knows to be true of a untrue story about spies confronted in the 1960's for being spies got a story
about a lie in a story published in a best selling book called Tinkerbell thinks," the Odessa File",that mentioned the 4th
Reich. Here we are trying to figure a very bad dude and there are several of them in the area as to wheather or not one of
these bad guys were a guy in history that the famious writings of Notradamus wrote about and mentioned him as one named
Hister! Not Hitler but Hister and subject to alot that Warren and I have discussed sadly if not only strangely but the reality
is there seems to be a jewish connection to these home grown terrorist's.In the conversation with Warren about who we were
during the war I told Warren that as I understood it that differant from what was planned in the beginning of the war wheather
the Germans were conspiriters in its conception or not that the fighting would not stop man was confronted aginst himself
as we talked Tinkerbell told him a little bit about what he knew of the war and as differant from what we see in hollywood
movies one day here and there the guns simply fell silent and people found out that they were still alive and started
to put things back in order, that was the real truth! cities all over Europe had been blasted to obivian newspapers and
radio simply did not exsits for millions of people slowly very slowly very slowly in deed the stories were piece together
to an extent when one thinks about what ever happened to this guy or that guy or the reason for the cause of the war was a
lack of Democracy in Germany after WW1 it can simply make your head spin.Warren warned about what he called German Nazi's
what does Warren mean by the term German Nazi's?
Ok so cool!," Here comes Peter Cotton Tail hoppin down the bunny trail"Da da da da da da da
da da.Well me and peekie are home singing this song and looking out our window to see if we can see the Easter Bunny
commin down the road. And as we watch the news channels on the TV there is alot of stuff going on but what Tinkerbell likes
to do is hope all his friends and exgirlfriends and ex wives are all OK and where they want to be on this Easter week end
as we think its kinda cool to discuss things about our spaceship airplane giant idea and relate to you the stories that we
very much are related to our future and the future of Christafer Robin and Udets platform and the hexagon project.
So we will talk a little more about our and Willeys idea about an airplane spaceship giant size.First
if we have a single fuselage multi-powerplant design and one of the powerplants is a giant turbine and another is a giant
rocket engine and we have pulse jets in our design too.What are going to be the complexities we would have to consider to
intellegently discuss fact and or fiction reality and what is science fiction.First off Tinkerbell heard that in liquid rocket
engines when they are talking about the amount and time of the fuel burn in relationship to fuel capacity and the fuel tank
itself it is sometimes refered to fuel evacuation! This kind of conotes the type of fuel and the power it generates and weight
of the fuel and the speed the fuel is burned.Just think for a minute not only if you have differant fuels used but you have
a throttle even on a rocket engine and there would have to be differant fuel tanks for differant fuels.POBATO they call it
propellants on board at takeoff !
Ok so in preparation for the shuttle launch on the 5th of April if everything goes well Tinkerbell
thought he would put something on the web site that relates to power and power formulas that simple algabra computations can
do. In Rocket engines and jet engines power is figured in thrust! in piston engines it is figured in horse power that
a guy named James Watt figured out in the 18th century to figure horsepower to thrust or thrust to horse power is a very simple
thing to do even if the relationship differance to what the numbers mean in power can have vast differant relationship in
power.Horse power is the standard unit of power in the english system of mesurement.To calculate the horsepower rating of
an engine, divide the power developed in Foot pounds per minute by 33,000 or the power in ft, lbs. per second by 550!
As stated above,work is the product of force and distance and power is work per unit of time. Consequently,if
a 33,000-weight is lifted through a vertical distance of one foot in one minute the power expended is 33.000 ft. lbs.per minute
or exactly one horsepower (hp)!