The Bernoulli Principle states there is an inverse relationship between velocity and pressure in gasses and liquids.
Airplanes use this concept with the top of the wing bowed so that air flow must travel faster on top to cover
the same distance as it does on the bottom of the wing which is flat. When the velocity increases, the pressure on the
top of the wing is less than the pressure on bottom causing the airplane to lift.
The Hexagon Project application design will theoretically get an aircraft or interplanitary spaceship off the surface
of the earth using a runway like the airplane and into the sky where a propulsion system can operate and take the aircraft
above the sensible atmosphere where airplanes operate and then into orbit. (An orbit is a general term used to identify the
position of a vehical that is free from the force dynamics emitted from the earth's mass.) In an orbit where over flight and
global circumferance of the planet can be more easily managed and sustained.
First of all while we are at sort of at the begining of information under how things
fly. Tinkerbell my nick name to some peaple wants to tell you that this web site is kind of a report to certain responsibilities
that I feel not only I have personally but to my deemed superiors both past and present and to you the good persons that
may have been touched in one way or another by the events and accounts mentioned. It is a report that I feel is long over
do. And in it you mite see in the lines or between them why that may be so.
The idea is not to cause consternation and panic where it is least needed or wanted,indeed it
is not to cause panic at all. It is to help you sort of relate in a way how things mite relate to me and all of us in
a possible fairly near future and an educational and healthy preparation for what could be a fatal yet in the in a strange
realization of the predicament could be a fortitus event with implications for a fantastic experiance for mankind if
we can get around things and survive it with our instatution and constatution intact personal and otherwise.
The area West of Chicago, North of St.Louis, East of De Moines,and South of Minniapolis
is by milage not exactly the center of the United States. If you use a type of historical progression and pocession relationship
and feild understanding of land and its present position and historical events that shape our persons today and in the
future you mite just say so that it is the center of our national soul. My home town is the home of Chief Black Hawk
of the Black Hawk indians and John Deere who invented the steel plow to cut threw the touph parrie grass has its corporate
HQ's there. The Blackawk indians had there peaple masscured by the Indiana Malitia and Abraham Lincoln who
got his name from his grandfather who was killed by indians played a small part in the Black Hawk war of 1836. St Louis
at the time was still Spanish territory and before the steel plow, agriculture was difficult and sparse. It is here where
Tinkerbell thinks would be a good place for a twenty mile to 50 mile turf airfield and giant structures that can
take man in good numbers to the rest of the solar system. And as the whole United States has been known as the Occident (gateway
to the orient) thus the name Occident Central and Occident Center a term from acient mariners and thier old maps.
Also as related to us about the time of Chief Blackawk here in the Carribean Frontier associated
with South Florida, the black slaves of Hatie revolted aginst thier Euorpean slave masters and became somewhat independent.
This just as the civil war was about to break out in America .What a history and what a map for the Age of Aquarius in
our time. This web site will try and talk about a giant airplane-spaceship design that was intended to steer a asteroid
away from earth with a giant net and save earth in the future from this perilious predicament the spaceship design is
an very good one and can be used for deep space missions to explore the solar system when fitted with centrifugal turning
gravity pods to give the astronaunts gravity in deep space missions.This has been a project to configure the concept for over
40 years.
We have not had our problems though some persons feel as if nothing can get in their way
to pocess such a configuration and as we mentioned in this and after we think there is a distinct relationship to the ownership
of the spaceship design.Wheather or not it is built in the United States or somewhere else.Private property and personal relationships
about the design have it to belong to Willey Messerschmitts company which in recent times has been associated with EADS of
Europe.Unknown to Tinkerbell as of the present status as we face major events in both the domestic economies and world wide
economy's.Air Boy Tibet Inc.Tinkerbells little company is one of the configurist's of the giant spaceship idea.There have
been many trajic events that have been associated with aircraft both WW1 and WW2 used aircraft in hostilities and german engineering
was commonplace to blame for the worlds tantric delimas that related to the invention of the airplane.Which Tinkerbell uses
to establish a platform to spaceship design.Political anomosities are also both domestic and world wide and the distinction
between the private property rights and all land owned by the state interrelate with our dispositions.Common place are crimminal
activities and persons of distinctive mental health issues and we are not alone in having to see the doctor at regular intervals
to distinguhish between reality and schisophrenic behavior brought on by multitudes of crimminaly managed circumstances.Goverments
at war are to the distinctive problems as we try to acsertain our place in the cosmos and here on earth.