Including some of the things that Tinkerbell talked about in his raceing planes page is the
drawings of that round airfoil around the fuselage just aft of the main wings Tinkerbell did not think of the circular airfoil,
he thought about putting it where its at on Christafer Robin and Udets Platform and utilizing it to lift the fully loaded
airframe with fuel into the the V-one position and then flight (forward or backward flight is accomplished both by the circular
airfoil with the help of slats one way or another). This then can help stabalize and perhaps even contol the aircraft as it
trans-sonic's its way through the sensible atmosphere and then with full rocket power operating on into orbit.
Also when I study the differant Varients of the BF and ME designs, the d-model to the e-f-g
and H and then to the K models I remember the song from Fiddler on the Roof which the words sort of go "a little bit of this
and a little bit of that".
The tail plane may if you look at some varients have struts that support the tail and flight
control assemblies these struts can be designed to give lift as well as structural integrety.
The design of the propeller is quite a lesson in development history there are several kinds
of propeller mechanisms but the two main catagories are variable pitch and constant speed
The first BF's and ME's has what appears to be a two bladed all metal design that one mite think
could be featherable ( they did come out with a metal two bladed propeller that used oil flow and cintrifugal force developed
by differant or varying the propeller RPM to change the ptich in the blades of the propeller in the nineteen thirties) the
most famous ME's propeller was of course hand carved and made out of wood with three blades tied to the hollow drive shaft
of the inverted Damlier-Benz V-12 601 engine. Although not variable pitch nor featherable its light weight and smooth
running developing power ratio with a cannon firing through the driveshaft and the spinner gives you still further thought
as to the utility of commodity of design. In an airplane-spaceship senario however a feathering mechanism would be useful
if not nessasary not only for hyperfast transonic speeds but also for the super critical flight of reentry.
From a book at the library on the X-15 program there were other air force studies such as ( Hermes)
which some thought to refueling one vehical to another hopefully they were in orbit and studies into metalurgy using various
exotic metals. Developing special alloys is stuff we mite relate to the space shuttle and its Titanium infacstructure these
things cost a large amount of money and if you've got to build something hugely large does not connect with proper reality
of what is needed. The SR-71 the famous Black Bird spi-plane has some sort of steel alloy wing panels that can change their
shape as the temperature around the airfoil and airframe starts to get really hot and then changes back into its oringinal
shape when the temperature comes down. Something like this sounds more like what is needed for Christafer Robin and Udets
Platform concept. Also the Mig -25 was made of stainless-steel and as I found out in aviation school that only certains kinds
of aviation aluminium are of the softer variety and easy to repair, here you start to think about repairing meterorite damage
in outerspace and find out your having trouble using soft aluminum to make a repair on the ground in the hanger and in oxygen
in school to even start to think about forming and cuting metal in the cold void of space and return structural integrity
to the airframe for reentry can make you foil your eye brows in wonder.
How and in what facility to which are you going to build construct, manufacture,this 8th to1/4
mile wingspan spaceship-airplane; this was a mile or two of thought. Here in our south Florida location the local airport
was a military base and part of the military-complex, strong chemicals and detergents have seeped into the subtarainium Aquifer
after years of aircraft operations and overhaul. These facilities in Occident Central will not only have to be giant to normal
large facilities they will have to enviormentally designed to address these industrial chemicals that have appeared on earth
long after the occult science of building large structures (FENG-SWAY) was known.
Tinkerbell wants to stop here and discuss a point here with you this term the occident
which refers a bit to the orient and some of this enviormental associations and terms this is new stuff nobody had really
had back up enouph to really study and support facts and other syndicate relations about the ingerious effects that heavy
industrial and complex industrial operations effected everybody and of course there health and business also what was
going on was the cold war and alot of peaple owed their livelihood to this east west process and as we can see today some
peaple took advantage and every oportuity to make this situation worse on both sides and there was reason to believe that
the eighty millon or so peaple that lost there lives over the course of this major discourtation were too easily forgotten.Today
when we start talking about the orient we start looking at China alot here we find that from our level the really big China
leaders are usualy not in the least bit war like or particularly anti-western and hope that they don't have to make the same
enviormental mistakes that the west had or did make they want to share thier large numbers of potential consumers with the
world on good terms and wiser decisions not always based on terrible problems of the past.
The military Industrial complex though as we have sort of shown can be subject to what in the business is
called exposure to subtrafuge and suspicious shadowy operations not always connected to a complete hostile goverment
but almost always so something less then and in between. I sort of think about this confineing and restrictive thought character
and Tinkerbell had to think up stuff and relearn how to watch T.V and enjoy it In the Great Airplane and Space Ship Race I
try to get information out to the persons that are interested in a good and positive way but things happen especially in a