Ok so cool we are publishing! It is February the first 2016 and it is Monday Moon's Day!

Ok so we have not operated from this free web sit of ours since we forgot the pass word we have been
Obama care website and law having major trouble, trainwreck in Bronx NY Nov 30th 2013 kills 4
DEC 3rd 2014 NASA looking to launch Mars manned vehical in unmanned test's this week weather good! S
Russian Meteor explosion(winter) in 2013 Comet I-Son(fall) possibly destroyed in 2013 as passes sun!
edit now#5
edit now#6/Saturday11/10/2012 winter storm BRUTUS Hitting U.S.
edit now#7( in Winter storm) Ceasar and Deis Martis Day 18th Dec
On November the 8th a Tuesday Large asteroid appearance between earth and moon eight holiest no. in
December 26th 2011Ok yes we are waiting to hear from the registered agent
edit now#10 / Sandy on Florida No.ten G.I Veit/War /Wall here!
POBATO (propellants on board at take off) April 1st 2010
edit now#11
Divergent Condition and aileron reversal fwd back flying aircraft
Bernoulli's Principle
Formula One Racing Planes
Christopher Robin Transatmospheric Aircraft
Secrets of Airplanes and Spaceships
Can Airplanes Fly Backwards?
Tinkerbell's Pictorial Worksheets
Messerschmitt AG Germany computers April 20- May 15th 2010
a little history and the BF(109-V1)
Earth-CO-Op-Moline and the Grand Planet Airship Company
new page here
2-3-4 Touchdown
North by Southeast Air Boy Tibet 2010 Nov 13th 14th week end

 To sort of understand the business of airplane spaceship design you sort of have to look at anology's business management and the schools related to staying in business.

     Although thats were it starts there are more things to related to building an airplane then just drawing pictures and turning them over to the enginneering department. If the process is experimental to the extreme and very expensive it is very much not only a strain on the company but the country's peaple other country's and other companies  and the system almost looks as  if it constrains the idea that you and your believers want to have happen. This and it becomes also clear that it must be accomplished and hopefully in good stead and in good order.What a complex, huh!

     Perhaps a look at cost associated with accounting can help  us state our case and position in understanding the hexigon.
   Cost can be classified into various catagories
1) Their  management fuction
     (a) Manufacturing costs
     (b) Non manufacturing costs
2) Their ease of traceability
     (a) Direct costs
     (b) Indiect costs
3) Their timing of charges aginst sales revenue
     (a) Product costs
     (b) Period costs
4) Their behavior in accordance with changes in activity
      (a) Variable costs
      (b) Fixed costs
      (c) Semivariable costs
5) Their relevance to control and decision making
      (a) Controllable and noncontrollable costs
      (b) Standard costs
      (c) Increment costs
      (d) Sunk costs
      (e) opportunity costs
      (f) Relevant costs
 As you can see there are differant types of costs used for differant purposes. Some costs are useful for planning and budgeting and costs control. Still others are useful for short term and long term decisions,as well as inventory valuation and income determination.
     So as you can see that trying to understand the theorectical  operating concept of how a giant airplane-spaceship operates also must include how it will be constructed and operating at least in some kind of explanation and with experiance.The more experimental a design is the more you have to really put some thought behind its invention to every and through every person that it will be connected to it in some way or another. In Tinkerbells idea he found out that just getting information out about it was difficult. In goverment and lots of companies that due business with them, there is research and devolpment grants like the old airmail contracts that were political footballs these I suspect are many times just that. In understanding programs about space some programs have appeared to be built around nothing more then experimental vehicals some times being related to as a prototype,
 but not even resembling a prototype in its proper station to a production model of an airplane design. To build Tinkerbells idea of giant spsaceship airplanes that criss-cross the solar system and have a crew of 40 to 100 persons on board with gravity containers for some of the crew some of the time so they won't get sick on long space missions ( and if they can take a large asteroid out of its dangerous path with earth and perhaps use it safely to further mans path to space). Giant buildings and a giant airfeild will have to be built in the area of the missisippi valley north of St. Louis in a place known as  occcident central.