Ok so cool we are publishing! It is February the first 2016 and it is Monday Moon's Day!

Obama care website and law having major trouble, trainwreck in Bronx NY Nov 30th 2013 kills 4

Ok so we have not operated from this free web sit of ours since we forgot the pass word we have been
Obama care website and law having major trouble, trainwreck in Bronx NY Nov 30th 2013 kills 4
DEC 3rd 2014 NASA looking to launch Mars manned vehical in unmanned test's this week weather good! S
Russian Meteor explosion(winter) in 2013 Comet I-Son(fall) possibly destroyed in 2013 as passes sun!
edit now#5
edit now#6/Saturday11/10/2012 winter storm BRUTUS Hitting U.S.
edit now#7( in Winter storm) Ceasar and Deis Martis Day 18th Dec
On November the 8th a Tuesday Large asteroid appearance between earth and moon eight holiest no. in
December 26th 2011Ok yes we are waiting to hear from the registered agent
edit now#10 / Sandy on Florida No.ten G.I Veit/War /Wall here!
POBATO (propellants on board at take off) April 1st 2010
edit now#11
Divergent Condition and aileron reversal fwd back flying aircraft
Bernoulli's Principle
Formula One Racing Planes
Christopher Robin Transatmospheric Aircraft
Secrets of Airplanes and Spaceships
Can Airplanes Fly Backwards?
Tinkerbell's Pictorial Worksheets
Messerschmitt AG Germany computers April 20- May 15th 2010
a little history and the BF(109-V1)
Earth-CO-Op-Moline and the Grand Planet Airship Company
new page here
2-3-4 Touchdown
North by Southeast Air Boy Tibet 2010 Nov 13th 14th week end

       Ok so we are working on our discription of the Hexagon projects design of a giant airplane spaceship idea, is it possible?
        To conceptutalize the idea is that in the design of two spaceship airplanes Christafer Robin and Udets Platform which are giant size in comparison of normal size vehicals,The idea is to launch a airplane spaceship off of a runway in the forward flying operation and then climbing to altitude to stick the tail into the direction of the sky and igniting the underslung rockets with fuel tanks attached to blast the large vehical into orbit.Actualy flying backwards in configuration of its design.Then another airplane spaceship this one with a cargo pod between the fuselages that carry up fuel and gravity containers from an spaceport marscheling yard in the mid west of the United States and then attach the gravity containers to the first spaceship airplane Christafer Robin. With added service flights the addition of fuel and mission provisions for the first airplane spaceship Christafer Robin which can be launched on spaceship missions to the middle or outer planets.
       The return of the service spaceship airplane Udets Platform to earth for maintenance and the launch of the larger spaceship airplane Christafer Robin on its deep space mission with gravity containers is how the operation will work if our idea is conceptuelized properly.
        The building of the spaceships and building of the spaceport in the midwest and how we mite design it is the idea behind this and in this web site http://hexagonproject.tripod.com and http://projecthexagon.tripod.com and the drawings in it.
      Ok so if Tinkerbell found the picture of him in a Nazi uniform with a Knights cross around his neck and he was working on a spaceship airplane to take care of a asteroid that will be threatining earth in 2029 or 2036 what does that mean for us here amonst the population of earth. Does that mean that their will be a reimergence of the Third Reich and what did Warren Bendix,(Tinkerbell's friend), find in the picture with money of the moon rocket with some group of crimminal persons associated with what we think was a Jewish invention called the 4th Reich,(perhaps we should'nt refer to the 4th Reich abdormality as a Jewish invention it sounds so anti-semetic in nature and this being Buddas birthday alot of what did happen 70 plus years ago was do to a lack of liberty and democracy as we have so stated. The 4th Reich we think comes from a  spy nest of sorts that came to light in the late 1950's and early 1960's during the cold war and there was some trouble over it as this spy novel "The Odessa File", was published). Is there some meanig for us all in this in here far south in south Florida.
       You must admit it is beyond belief that 70 years ago could of killed the president and his wife of Poland in an air crash in bad weather and fog and 96 other people in a place that brought disaster to Europe as a whole in even though it is almost beyond memory in modern times.
        This week is fleet week in New York and this is the time we should look for spies and thier relationships to our dispostition in the modern world.
         We watch the business news we watch the headline news and we keep up with whats new in aviation and space, where are we? 
         Ok so from the U.S. Airforce we saw a video of the unmanned platform called the X-51 whci uses a scram jet to go 6 times faster then sound although it is unmanned and was dropped from a B-52 then the engine was ignited it is interesting but there was not alot of information about it. There have been several protoypes of scram jet (thats what their called), aircraft and all though the Airforce says that it is the most interesting of the powerplant technology since the transition from propeller to jet power.Tinkerbell has heard that they are very expensive to build and manufacture and burn a high rate of jet fuel with additives. There was very little info about the project with the video but the test looked succesful on the video and was suppose to of obtained a speed 6 times faster then sound. When Tinkerbell looked into the idea he thought to himself that they were tremendiously expensive and burned alot of fuel even though they burned jet fuel instead of rocket fuel so we will just have to see what happens in the future.
     You can look  a rendering of a Udets Platform spaceship airplane with scram jets attached or how it mite look in "An answer to a vexing problem 2008 Pics" in http://projecthexagon.tripod.com and sort of get an idea! 
     One of the things very related to the sucess of a giant airplane spaceship project is the overall weight of the aircraft as related to the power needed to be lift the aircraft off of a runway and into the air saftly. In its construction like a boat or a ship the fuselage is sometimes refered to as the," hull", and as this section must be air tight and in its construction have heat resistance tiles to fully function in the mode of renentry to landing. If this is not possible the emergency design will stay in orbit after its earth saving asteroid mission but the cost will be expensive as it will not be able to land to be turned around operationaly to be launched again. But that the facts are that the entire earth and its population is at stake even at this expensive situation its success is or will be a small price to pay.
      You can see now how the Hexagon project took a rather long period of design consideration, first had to come Christafer Robin the deep mission long range interplanetary spaceship with its centrifugual spinning gravity containers and then Udets Platform the cargo pod carrying service aircraft which both aircraft work together in unison to complete its designing mission. 
      Sometimes the fuselage is refered to as a single hull or double hull or triple hull construction and as you mite think one of the big things you must consider is the overall weight of the design fuselage and wings especially when loaded with fuel and propellants. The addition of the scram jet technology if your design goes in that direction the extreme costs of manufacture and the amount of fuel needed to propell the aircraft to orbit all are just some of the considerations you have to think about.
      Actualy when we try and invision how the spaceport manufacuring facility will look like and how the design  will come together We go back to little Tinkerbell at Granpa Tinkerbell house overlooking the Mississippi river where he worked on the Grand Planet Airship Company this idea was before he had come up with a complete design idea for the Hexagon project and to fund ourselfs after being out of the army and back from Vietnam the idea was to build airships with modern technology and todays navigation aids to enhance the idea of rigid airship technology. Tinkerbell even though his ideas may have been a little crude in its beginning he invisioned Giant airships criss crossing the country loaded with cargo such as corn and wheat and cargo of all sorts and people feeding the worlds hungry from the bread basket of America and with the experiance and funds generated from that business fund the building of the," Giant", airplane spaceship idea. Tinkerbell thinks the idea is still viable except that with the proloferation of small arms all over the place"guns" in everyones hands the airships are sitting ducks for just about anyone with a wild hair up their rear end and are very expensive in themselfs but Tinkerbell likes to tell the story as it shows how he was thinking after his time in the post Veitnam era with his girlfriends and wives that touched his life and he hopes along with his cat Peekachu that they forgive him for sometimes being a distant mind at times when they needed a better husband or boyfriend then some Vietnam vet that suffers from delusions of spaceships and airships.And had trouble keeping a roof over his head let alone design a deep space aircraft to save the world from an asteroid!
     Ok so cool !,so what are other selling points to the ME-109 design that we can take with us in the invention of turning it into a giant or super large scale version and making it into a spaceship? I mean what is science that you mite be able to take to the bank and what is science fiction?
      First as the sun has gone down under the horizion here in south Florida one of the main things that come to mind is the aero dynamics of the wing of an early version of the BF or ME 109 air foils or wings are catagorized in what they call "Reynolds Numbers". And there are high performance wings.Not just straight or swept wings or delta shaped wings. In the early version of Willeys design the front of the wing is very thick as compared to wing of todays supersonic jet fighters this allows the high pressure area to build up faster at a lower speed and if in your design your going to fly backwards when you reach tremendious speeds the thinest part of the wing is in the front of the vehical as it climbs at a high rate of speed to orbit perhaps relying on the circle wing perhaps to give it lift and airfoils attached to it to give the aircraft directional control as it hurtles itself backwards through the upper sky.Thats the idea anyway contraptions such as control lock mechanisms attached to the controls may be able to stabalize and operate with in a safe operating margin for transonic flight,rearward and near vertical to orbit (perhaps computer controled).
       Another one of the main things to think about is after you think about the landing gear struts and attaching the struts to the airframe are the wheels and tires which are going to have to be manufacture very big.Along with manufacturing the giant propeller that constructed to the same dynamic production standards as a propeller of a small size this though in a big package. After studying the differant wheels and tires on other aircraft the tires and wheels on the Me-109 seem to be a perfect design of the proper design to build into a large size as compared to other aircraft. As far the landing gear design of th BF or ME 109 the wheels tires and landing gear were designed to work in what they call unimproved airfeilds areas that are little more then flat pastures in agricultural areas.
      An Me-109 mechanic or ground crewmen counld change the cylinders of the inverted V-12 Damlier Benz 601 engine standing on the ground differant then the P-51 or Spitfire that had to have maintenance stand and get to the work of changing cylinders they had to go through the top of the engine.
     Tinkerbell thought about a long manufactureing building to assemble and manufacture the propeller which is giant size with a roof of the building that opened up and a crane was used to extracate the giant propeller blades from the manufacturing foundry production building and assembling the blades to the blade grips to then the hub on a giant tower after the propellers manufacture.Then testing and balancing and then instalation to the aircraft. 

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